💦 Filtration💦 My name is Jai Naidu, I’m 11 years old and currently in 6th grade, studying in the D section. I created this blog to share my thoughts and experiences. I hope you enjoy reading my blog!. Inquiry Name: How can we combine the scientific knowledge from the past with modern concepts of science to create a science exhibit for primary students❓ What is PBL for me🙋:👬 Project-based learning (PBL) is a teaching method that involves students👨👨 working on a project over an extended period. It focuses on solving real-world problems or exploring complex questions, encouraging active learning and critical thinking. Instead of passively receiving information, you engage in hands-on projects that require planning, collaboration, and problem-solving. TOPIC: 💧💧FILTRATION-Filtration is a process used to separate solid particles from a liquid by passing the mixture through a filter. The filter a...